Buy InCopy CS4
InCopu screen sharing is another nice enhancement. Chief among them are expanded support for table editing, the ability to create dynamic cross-references, and a conditional-text feature that lets InCopy users work on different versions of the same Byu for different InCpoy, a how-to guide
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Buy InCopy CS4 the session, you all can view your screen and make changes to it in real time, if you choose to give them permission; the screen was a bit slow to show the changes in my experience, however. Add to that the conditional-text and cross-reference features, a more powerful Links panel, and a variety of interface enhancements, and InCopy CS4 is a tempting upgrade. While InCopy integrates closely with InDesign to create a collaborative publishing workflow, writers and editors can also use InCopy by itself to create stand-alone. You can then test the link from within InCopy. The Hyperlinks panel is also home to the new Cross-References pane. In Story and Galley views, each cell in a table row appears on its own line. Enhanced productivity A new hyperlink feature lets you quickly add links to text on-the-fly via the new Hyperlinks panel. This last feature is something you can do only in managed InCopy files: the designer must rotate the spread in InDesign before you can edit it in the altered orientation. This feature makes it easier for you to work on long documents and easier for your readers to navigate them.